Posted by Rico on 10/02/47 11:45
Excellent! Thanks!
"Hugo Kornelis" <hugo@perFact.REMOVETHIS.info.INVALID> wrote in message
> On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 20:58:14 GMT, "Rico" <r c o l l e n s @ h e m m i n
> g w a y . c o mREMOVE THIS PART IN CAPS> wrote:
>>Thanks Guys,
>>I wound up finding ISNULL before I had a chance to post back. (why do I
>>always find the solution right after I post).
>>Is there an argument for using Coalesce over IsNull?
> Hi Rico,
> Three!
> 1. COALESCE is ANSI-standard and hence more portable. ISNULL works only
> on SQL Server.
> 2. COALESCE takes more than two arguments. If you have to find the first
> non-NULL of a set of six arguments, ISNULL has to be nested. Not so with
> 3. Data conversion weirdness. The datatype of a COALESCE is the datatype
> with highest precedence of all datatypes used in the COALESCE (same as
> with any SQL expression). Not so for ISNULL - the datatype of ISNULL is
> the same as the first argument. This is extremely non-standard and can
> cause very nasty and hard-to-track-down bugs.
> --
> Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
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