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Re: how much data can you pump into longblob from textarea?

Posted by robert on 04/21/06 16:57

<bullshit snipped>

another name gotta love this moron. i'll have to change my
filter not only to include plonked messages but those fitting his headers as

| Such actions cause
| harm and damage to companies, such as who would have to deal
| with this issue too.

hey're the one causing network solutions and grief. i
hope they sue you. if you were a big boy, you'd be able to handle yourself
professionaly or at least civily and not have to run to momma to tattle
tale...which is what your behavior amounts to.

| Even if you are not in the USA, why would you break laws
| in other countries?

ok, fascist! i'd break any law anywhere if i thought is were undue, unjust,
or ran a course severly opposed to my (or another's) basic liberties. but
you go ahead, simpleton...keep your head down and do what you're told. you'd
fit right in there with pre wwII germany.

| Because you and others continue to post in this
| manner on this thread -- you make the conditions increasingly difficult
| for me to get legitimate responses.

the first FUCKING response WAS just missed it because it's
obvious nature made you look stupid...a feat i'm sure is often
accomplished...which indicates it doesn't take much to arrive at said state
for you...looking stupid, that is.

| I have basically pleaded multiple
| times for you to stop inserting yourself into my communications with
| profanity and inflamatory statements.

big FUCKING, GODDAMN, CUNTLICKING deal! just put your head back in your ass
and walk away...check that...first, take you head out and look around at the
world you're missing out on...then put it back up your ass and walk away.

| If anyone else from this thread
| who is harassing me continues to do so, either in this thread or seeks
| out new ones I might post then it will be considered harassment and
| treated that way...

you're fucking harrassing everyone here. in fact, it's soooo important to
you that you keep changing your identity so that you *will* be harrassed
rather than ignored. you're stalking us!

*PLONK* (and headers are set for future shithead abatement via any name)



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