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Re: Table cell width fixed size

Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 04/24/06 21:00

Paul Watt wrote:

>>The content of the cell is enclosed inside a <div style="height: 123px;
>>width: 456px; overflow: hidden">
> If you re-read Jukka's post he said to do that

Well, something in that direction, in the "If you insist on creating a
problem" part, but I surely did not suggest creating additional problems
by using px dimensions, and I did not suggest using an artificial <div>
element, or using inline styles.

If the business design of an application is really poor, it should be
redesigned. We have no way of knowing whether the OP even tried asking
whether the original problem could be fixed. (He mentioned that he "must
wrap the cell content", which is something completely different and
might indicate that the business design has been misunderstood.)



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