Posted by JDS on 04/27/06 20:13
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:05:37 +0800, Henry wrote:
> Any really affordable hosts in Australia you could recommend?
Why limit yourself? Except for supporting your domestic economy reasons,
I suppose. But the internet is one place that truly is a world economy.
In any case, I use 1and1, and I have not had any problems, and they are
pretty affordable. FREE! Well, my account is free, but that was when they
had a free hosting special about two years ago. I'm going to have to
upgrade soon. But their plans are good, affordable, and featureful.
JDS | jeffrey@example.invalid
| http://www.newtnotes.com
DJMBS | http://newtnotes.com/doctor-jeff-master-brainsurgeon/
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