Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 04/28/06 17:39
tony@tony.com wrote:
> I'm designing a survey form page that will be fairly complex and am
> becoming confident enough with PHP now to tackle most things.
> (Thanks to everyone here who has helped)
> Before I go too far with this I was wondering if anyone could perhaps
> offer advice or point me to any documents/web pages that could help with
> ensuring the security of the form/page and site. It is likely that the
> form will come under attack I expect.
> Even comments about the best chmod settings are welcome.
> I'd rather not have to wade through another history of the internet book
> with the words "and be security conscious by using SSL" on the last page
> which is what most adviice I've found so far boils down to.
> I've located standard advice such as using PHP strip-tags on input fields
> and other PHP specific stuff but was wondering how best to get
> interactive with the security.
> Are there any PHP libraries perhaps that help with this?
> I'm thinking of things like verifying users ID while they are online
> without having them email and preventing bots from getting in and things
> like that.
> Any input on this would be most welcome.
> thanks
> tony
Consider using https for starters, if the page collects more or less
sensitive information.
It may be a good practice from security point of view to have ALL your
form-vars parsed by a separate handler/filter first before handing them
to your operational code. In other words, there should never be any
referral to $_POST["anyname"] (or $_GET) in your actual processing code.
The handler should:
Check type consistency
Truncate data to intended maxmimum length/size
Strip possibly dangerous chars, esp wrt MySQL injection. (mod_security
on your webserver can help with this further)
Discard any variable with a name not used in your form, and possibly
take further action (like blocking client ip)
Further: keep track of amount of submits by an address or address range
in a given timeframe. If this exceeds a reasonable value, block the
address (temporarily?). Or have a lookup in your db how long it was
since the last attempt for ip w.x.y.z and introduce a delay for the user.
To prevent bot-action, include a verification field with hard to scan
keep db passwords, names etc. in an include file outside your docroot.
having non-standard names is a good thing from security point of view.
Translate form fieldnames to different ones you use in your db.
Don't use $_GLOBALS.
Set safe mode on if it's not already the default mode on your server.
The server should run as a separate user of course. Never root, nor a
regular user. Be careful with symlinks jumping out of the tree.
Set rights to a minimum requirement. I use rw- r-- --- root:apache on
anything that does not need to be modified by the webserver. Consider
setting the immutable bit on critical files as well.
Chrooting the server and/or mysql is worth considering on any
production/high visibility server. (Securityfocus has great walkthroughs
on this). Of course only applicable if you have access to your own
server as root.
I'm not a big fan of too much interactivity and additional
user-checking. It gets complicated soon and may even give a false sense
of security if there's holes in it you may have overlooked.
Anything helpful here ? Hope so.
Backbone Scoliosis
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