Posted by Mice Over on 04/29/06 10:21
Thanks Barbara,
Interesting possibilities arise, using <UL>'s as navigation bars! something
I hadn't considererd.
But my main question was this: the statements that use phrases like
"onmouseover" and "onmouseout" can be used in as style attributes, say in
<td> tags, making the entire cell "clickable", but can these very phrases be
used in seperate style sheets or in style def's in the <head> of the doc as
you outlined below. Not just the a:hover psuedoclass, but actual words like
"onmouseover, do this, do that, etc".
make sense?
"Barbara de Zoete" <trashbin@pretletters.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:52:49 +0200, Mice Over <mouse@house.com> wrote:
>> notice in some in-line style statments, you can use onmouseover,
>> onmouseout
>> statements to control hover features of links or table cells.
>> instead of implanting the lengthly style description in every TD, I'm
>> wondering, can onmouseover (etc) statements be built into style defn's
>> in a
>> seperate CSS file or in a style statement in the <head>.
> <URL:http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html#dynamic-pseudo-classes>
> Example, markup:
> <ul id="menu">
> <li><a href="home.html">home</a></li>
> <li><a href="sitemap.html">sitemap</a></li>
> <li><a href="test.html">test</a></li>
> <li><a href="test2.html">test 2</a></li>
> <li><a href="contact.html">contact.html</a></li>
> </ul>
> Example, styles (in the head of the page):
> <style type="text/css">
> #menu {
> float:left;
> margin:0 2em 1em 0;
> width:8em; }
> #menu ul {
> list-style:none;
> margin:0;
> padding:0; }
> #menu a {
> display:block;
> width:100%;
> text-decoration:none;
> background-color:yellow;
> color:black; }
> #menu a:hover, #menu a:visited {
> background-color:black;
> color:yellow; }
> #menu a:active {
> background-color:rgb(130,130,130); }
> </style>
> There are many good recourses on line. Try Google
> <URL:http://www.google.com/search?q=CSS+navigation+menu>
> --
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