Posted by PeterMcC on 11/24/95 11:46
Hywel Jenkins wrote in
> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Peter wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have put together a website with traveltips, photos, and news for
>>> the independent traveller. I would really like some feedback on the
>>> site, what do you like about it, what don't you like. What could be
>>> better, easier, etc? I'd really appreciate it if you could take a
>>> look and tell me what you think. The site is at
>>> www.enjoyyourworld.com, you can leave your response in the group,
>>> and / or contact me at peteradds [x] enjoyyourworld.com
>> What shouts out at me: all the instances of "photo's".[1] Plurals
>> don't require apostrophes.
> You could argue that in this instance the apostrophe is correct as
> letters have been omitted.
If that were to be the case, and I appreciate that this isn't perhaps the
most important issue that's cropped up in recent weeks, one would expect the
singular to be written as photo'.
Like in the good old days when telephone used to be abbreviated to 'phone
and one had a sense of an underlying respect for standards, decency and the
proper way of doing things.
BTW - the OED's happy with spelt and spelled. It's "misspelled" and
"misspelt" that seem to cause confusion - people often want to remove an S.
If you feel that any of the above is incorrect,
inappropriate or offensive in any way,
please ignore it and accept my apologies.
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