Posted by Donald McDaniel on 10/04/46 11:47
On Tue, 2 May 2006 06:57:12 -0700, Michelle Steiner wrote
(in article <michelle-8367E2.06571202052006@news.west.cox.net>):
> In article <1146562791.862875.180070@v46g2000cwv.googlegroups.com>,
> "Andy Dingley <dingbat@codesmiths.com>" <dingbat@codesmiths.com>
> wrote:
>>>>>> I suggest that you try out Forte's Agent Newsreader for
>>>>>> Windows XP. It simply blows all OS X newsreaders out of the
>>>>>> water. I much prefer to use XP for newsreading than OS X.
>>>>> So you're saying that one should spend $200 for an operating
>>>>> system just to run one particular piece of software that costs
>>>>> $29?
>> Yes. I buy computers to run useful applications for me, not to
>> indulge in OS flamewars.
In the first place, one does not have to "spend $200", since XP Professional
can be purchased for much less.
And do NOT believe the "theory" that only a "Full Retail XP Pro" will install
and run via BootCamp on an Intel Mac. This is just FUD from ignorant
people, or nay-sayers in the Apple camp.
> That second sentence is totally unresponsive and irrelevant to my
> question.
And how was his answer "totally unresponsive and irrelevant"? From my way of
thinking, it makes perfect sense.
Buy a knife to cut things with, buy a computer to run the software you want
to run.
What is a computer but a "knife"? Or is it your GOD...
> Getting back to the matter at hand, spending $200 in order to run a $29
> piece of software does not make financial sense to me. Sure, if the
> person needs Windows for some other reason, then buying Agent might be a
> reasonable option, but to buy Windows solely to run Agent is, to me,
> wasting money.
That is, of course, your opinion. And like us, you are certainly entitled to
your opinion.
But from my perspective, buying an over-priced computer (great as it is) just
to run OS X is just as "financially wasteful".
> I just can't see any newsreader being worth $229.
You're right about one thing, Michelle. You just can't see another person's
point of view. Which only means that you're completely without compassion,
like the rest of the Mac fanatics. You're certainly in "good company",
aren't you?.
Donald L McDaniel
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