Posted by Martin Jay on 05/03/06 18:00
In message <1146665234.549986.145390@u72g2000cwu.googlegroups.com>,
"brian.newman@wpafb.af.mil" <brian.newman@wpafb.af.mil> writes
>I've written code like the following
><script language="javascript">
>function populateTextField(strWidget, strInitialData) {
> var elem = (document.getElementById) ?
>document.getElementById(strWidget) : ((document.all) ?
>document.all(strWidget) : null);
> if (elem) {
> elem.value = strInitialData;
> }
>function initForm() {
> populateTextField ("txtDateOfRank", " - - ");
><body onload="initForm();">
><form NAME="frmAttendeeInfo" id="frmAttendeeInfo">
> <div id="divDateOfRank">
> <p>Date of Rank</p>
> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtDateOfRank" id="txtDateOfRank" SIZE="8"
>MAXLENGTH="8"> <!-- in form dd-mm-yy -->
> </div>
>The value is assigned to the text field correctly upon page load, but
>once the page is loaded, I can't change the value in the text field.
>Nothing happens. The javascript consol in Firefox doesn't report an
>It seems like once the value is assigned via a "value = " in html, it
>prevents any further changes to the text field. I'm having the same
>problem in IE. If this is the case, then I've got a problem with the
>html. Does anyone know what the fix is?
Works okay here, but it seems like a lot of effort to go to.
Perhaps the problem you're seeing is that the maxsize of the input box
is 8 and you also populate it with 8 characters, so the only way to edit
the input is to delete what's already in it.
To get a date I'd simply use something like this:
<input name="day" type="text" >
<select name="month">
<option value="1">January</option>
<option value="2">February</option>
<!-- etc... -->
<input name="year" type="text">
<input type="submit"
Perhaps you're trying to achieve something more complicated?
Martin Jay
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