Posted by Paul Lautman on 05/03/06 15:56
Sounds likely. Is this documented anywhere?
erik.f.boberg@gmail.com wrote:
> It is probably due to one day every year being 25 hours in php. its a
> day in october i think and the reason is related to daylight savings
> time i think. I had the same problem while making a calendar for my
> homepage a while ago.
> Andy Jeffries skrev:
>> On Wed, 03 May 2006 13:05:25 +0100, Paul Lautman wrote:
>>>>> I was trying to use the following formula to add a number of
>>>>> weeks to a date, where $b is the number of weeks. date('Y-m-d',
>>>>> strtotime($Expiry_Date)+$b*86400*7) However sometimes it added
>>>>> one day less than it should have done. $Expiry_Date was always a
>>>>> Saturday and sometimes the answer was a Saturday and sometimes
>>>>> the previous Friday.
>>>>> Has anyone any idea why?
>>>> No idea, but why not use two strtotime calls:
>>>> strtotime("+$b weeks", strtotime($Expiry_Date));
>>>> That would be a better native way of handling it (and more
>>>> readable)
>>> Nice one. I didn't think of that. Still like to know why the other
>>> one was so wierd.
>> No idea.... I tend not to get hung up on problems when I've found a
>> solution though, life's too short ;-)
>> Cheers,
>> Andy
>> --
>> Andy Jeffries MBCS CITP ZCE | gPHPEdit Lead Developer
>> http://www.gphpedit.org | PHP editor for Gnome 2
>> http://www.andyjeffries.co.uk | Personal site and photos
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