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Re: Guideline 2. Don´t rely on color alone.

Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 05/05/06 13:54

Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:


Yes, it says "Don't rely on color alone". So?

> So, now I wonder whether something like that would be a good solution

Instead of a snippet of CSS code you should describe the idea of the
solution verbally and illustrate it with a URL.

You seem to set background to white without background image and content
color to black. That's a safe combination indeed. Was that your question?

Or do you mean using different border colors to convey some information?
You are not telling anything about the intended meaning and message. We
can only say that _if_ you use border color difference to express some
relevant difference in meaning, then the guideline says (quite justly)
that you should also express the idea in another, more reliable way.

> The problem is that it does not seem to have been implemented by Firefox.

It's hard to tell what "it" is here, but the problem is probably not
really relevant here. I guess you mean the use of different border styles.

> As to blind people what would I need to insert aural information on the
> website?

And what about people who use text-only browsers or have CSS turned off
due to the fact that so many pages mess up their rendering by using CSS
foolishly? What about Braille users?

You haven't revealed the context or content. But you can run a very
simple test yourself. Use a text-only browser or a simulator of such a
browser. Then think whether the page needs a complete rewrite or just
the addition of some explanatory headings or other texts; they will
probably help all users.



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