Posted by vito on 05/06/06 04:33
"Jaxtraw" <jax@knickersjaxtrawstudios.com> wrote in message
>> p1 text p2 text
>> p1 text p2 text
>> p1 text p2 text
>> p1 text p2 text
>> p1 text p2 text
>> p1 text
>> p1 text p3 text
>> p1 text p3 text
>> p1 text p3 text
>> p1 text p3 text
>> p1 text p3 text
>> or even change p1 text to an image or so
> Anyway, I'm rambling. To reiterate, I'd recommend scrapping even trying it
> with DIVs, and just knock up a nice simple table. You can still give the
> <td>s classes and IDs to customise them as you wish.
> <table>
> <tr>
> <td rowspan="2">
> p1 text
> </td>
> <td>
> p2 text
> </td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td>
> p3 text
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> Ian
Your answer is elegant, yet my description is over-simplified. as p1 is
indeed from another table, therefore it becomes difficult to use table.
i feel hopeless, if using frame, the php codes can't handle well. using css,
the wrapping problem occurs...
anyway, thanks for pointing out the drawback of using css
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