Posted by Ig on 05/06/06 08:28
Didn't think about this...:(
Anyway, it would be interesting to know technical aspect of this issue - is
it possible to avoid selection on part of a page.
Thank you guys for your advices.
"Adrienne Boswell" <arbpen@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Ig" <Igor.Pipkin@sasktel.net>
> writing in news:125o8u6m97krba3@corp.supernews.com:
> Please do not top post -- top posting corrected
>> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote in message
>> news:445c1ea6$0$3706$cb0e7fc6@news.centralva.net...
>>> Ig wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have a text in my page that I made its font of white color to be
>>>> invisible.
>>>> But when I select with cursor this part of the page all words become
>>>> visible.
>>>> How could this be prevented?
>>> Don't put them there! Why are your trying so hard to content that
>>> cannot be seen. Not user friendly to require a secret decoder ring to
>>> view your pages.
>> This is the only way I found to make eBay's search to work for me. And
>> it works !
>> So please, I need technical solution and not life advices.
>> Thank you.
> You could very easily run afoul of Ebay and any other search engine,
> Google in particular. This is _not_ and good thing to do, and Ebay's
> policy may result in a range of actions including:
> 1. Listing cancellation
> 2. Limits on account privileges
> 3. Account suspension
> 4. Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
> 5. Loss of PowerSeller status
> --
> Adrienne Boswell
> Please respond to the group so others can share
> http://www.cavalcade-of-coding.info
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