Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 05/06/06 13:23
dorayme wrote:
> In article <445c15e2$0$3703$cb0e7fc6@news.centralva.net>,
> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote:
>>If you want to improve searches for your listing, craft your listing's
>>'title' and 'description' carefully with such keywords.
> Can you remind us of this "description" thing please?
The "description" thing probably referred to <meta name="description"
content="..."> tags, which are an exercise in futility and often
harmful, since they make the author think that the actual content can
begin with noise and advertese and babbling. In reality, few search
engines pay any attention to <meta name="description" content="...">.
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