Posted by Cogito on 10/12/06 11:17
On Sun, 29 May 2005 10:58:47 +0100, Steve Pugh <steve@pugh.net> wrote:
>Because you decided to call one of your stylesheets table.css. The
>styles in table.css style your HTML tables, they do not create any CSS
>tables - do you see any display: table; or similar styles in there? I
The truth to be said, I have no idea what a css table is.
I have been dabbling with html coding (just for fun) for a while and
occasionally I read this newsgroup. From it, I got the impression that
css id the way to go. Fine. So I copied some code of what I thought
was a css table with a view to teach myself basic css by experimenting
and trying to understand how the code works. If this is not a css
table, can you please show me a simple example of a css table with two
columns and two rows?
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