Posted by tihu on 05/06/06 19:36
WJ Zeeuwen wrote:
> When i look in C;/php/dlls i see the file gds32.dll I suppose that this
> is the image library? In which file do i have to remove the ;? I only
> see php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended, no php.ini...
> Thanx!,
> WJ
The image library should be in c:\php\extensions
If you have php up and running on your computer then make a script that
calls phpinfo(), save the script in you web space, open the script in
your browser and the location of php.ini will be shown 5/6 rows from
the top.
If php.ini doesnt exist yet then you need copy+amend php.ini-dist or
recommended then rename as php.ini, save the new version in
c:\windows\system32 unless you have added c:\php to the PATH
environment variable
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