Posted by Jake on 05/07/06 18:55
In message
<doraymeRidThis-E2AE6C.09562507052006@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>, dorayme
<doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> writes
>In article <nu9Qw6HwhFXEFwll@gododdin.demon.co.uk>,
> Jake <jake@gododdin.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> In message
>> <doraymeRidThis-A432D8.13555706052006@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>, dorayme
>> <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> writes
>> [snip]
>> >Truth is - how you must all thank the Good Lord I am here -
>> [Snip]
>> Have you ever considered working for the United Nations (assuming you
>> don't already, of course)?
>Don't be like that Jake! I have a soft spot for you because you
>are the lone voice defending frames (which I am sentimentally
>attached to... I have no such sites anymore, but I wheel the
>copies out now and again from my archives to take a peek and have
>a play when I feel depressed, wipe a tear away and a smile comes
Well, I always did regard you as the 'voice of reason' in this NG -- as
a lifeboat of calm in a shark-infested ocean ;-)
It's been a while since I visited -- interesting to see nothing's
changed -- same people (?) intoning the same old (bogus) arguments.
I must call back again, sometime, to see if anything's changed ;-)
Jake (jake@gododdin.demon.co.uk -- just a 'spam trap' mail address)
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