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Re: How do I send HTML and a file for 'Save-As' at the same time?

Posted by Daedalus.OS on 11/02/47 11:17

This should work in all recent browser. Content-Disposition is stated as
experimental but is implemented in most (if not all) major browser.

I have tested it with IE6, FireFox 1.0, Netscape7.02, Opera7.5.4,
I know there were issues on some browser that would result in displaying the
file if the content-type was a known text type or that would download the
file with an php or html extension.

I don't remenber wich browser and version have wich issue (I think IE5.5 was
one of those and FireFox 0.9 was the other), but I remember I was using
application/octet-stream as content-type for text file to solve this.


"John Dunlop" <> wrote in message
> Daedalus.OS wrote:
>> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="destination_file_name.ext"
> do browsers on the whole take heed of that line do you know?
> --
> Jock



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