Posted by NC on 10/10/83 11:47
Jacob.Lyles@gmail.com wrote:
> I'm making a comment form for my website that will store
> the results in a flat file with some sort of delimiting character.
> However, I'm wondering what will happen if someone uses
> my delimiter within their comment.
One way to get around it is to use enclosing characters in addition to
delimiting characters. For example, if you use comma-separated
variables (CSV) format, you can write:
"1","name","comment including a , (comma)"
instead of
1,name,comment including a , (comma)
This way, you can read your file with fgetcsv() without a problem.
Remember to escape double quotes with another double quote when writing
to file though...
> I thought one way to protect againt this would be to choose a
> character like < and convert all < to < . Is there a function in PHP
> that does this automatically?
Yes. Two, as a matter of fact:
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