Posted by pixelmeow on 11/22/54 11:17
Hello all,
I am trying to get one of my websites into a table-less layout, going
one page at a time. Right now I'm working on this one page, along
with the css file that I want to use with this part of my website.
It's here:
and the css is here:
The css has many snippets that I've found all over the place, and that
very well may be the problem... anyway.
I am very frustrated at this point, I've looked at so many examples
and tried so many tutorials that my head hurts, but I just am not
getting something. I just want a three column page with a header and
a footer, but I can't get the footer to the bottom of the page. I
haven't even tried to do the header yet.
I nested the content divs inside the container div in the html as I've
seen in so many examples, but nothing seems to be nested except the
footer inside the container. I made the borders visible so I could
see what was going on, as was said on one of the many websites I've
bookmarked after finding them here. I thought the height of the
tallest inner div would take care of the height of the container and
push the footer to the bottom, but I am obviously not doing something
Any advice you can give will (as always) be incredibly helpful. (you
too, Will!)
=^..^= "Never try to outstubborn a cat." =^..^=
email my first name at pixelmeow dot com
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