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Re: Problems with opening new window without scrollbar and toolbar and with smaller size and width

Posted by David Dorward on 11/06/91 11:17

Jerry Manner wrote:

> I recently started programming html.

HTML is a document markup language, not a programming language.

> I am trying to create a link to open
> a small browser window. I use the following html code.
> <a href="" toolbar="no" width="500" height="300"
> left="200" top="20" status="no" scrollbars="yes" resize="no" >Telegraaf
> Website</a>

You seem to be getting confused between JavaScript and HTML. Opening new
windows is generally[1] a bad idea anyway.

[1] In the sense that I'm yet to encounter a circumstance where it was a
good idea, but I'm open minded enough to admit that it might be a
possibility, however remote.

David Dorward <> <>
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