Posted by b007uk on 05/16/06 14:33
RainCT wrote:
> Can you copy all the code?
Sure, here it is:
$dir = session_id();
if ($_REQUEST['img'])
$showfile = "./temp/$dir/".$_REQUEST['img'];
if (file_exists($showfile))
header("content-type: image/jpeg");
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($showfile));
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$showfile");
echo "<img src='?img=1.jpg'>";
If i keep session_start() "Save picture as" detects image as
untitled.bmp, if i delete
session_start() - everythng is fine, it is detected as jpeg, but i need
session_id(), so i have to start session...
And, i read somewhere in this group that i should add ini_set, like
ini_set('session.use_cookies', '0');
ini_set('session.cache_limiter', '');
ini_set('session.cache_expires', '');
$dir = session_id();
When i do that the image type is detected correctly as jpeg, but the
file name is not, its named as the script, showimg.jpg,
filename=$showfile" is not working for some reason. But i guess its
good enough, it would be nice to detect the file name as well though
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