Posted by Chung Leong on 05/17/06 18:33
Kimmo Laine wrote:
> "Alan Little" <alan@n-o-s-p-a-m-phorm.com> wrote in message
> news:Xns97C5DA4F5127alanphormcom@
> > Carved in mystic runes upon the very living rock, the last words of Chung
> > Leong of comp.lang.php make plain:
> >> asp_tags is probably turned off in php.ini. That's the default I
> >> believe.
> >
> > Heck, I thought ASP tag support had been discontinued. What was the
> > reason for it in the first place?
> Propably the same reason php supports this crazy asp-shit like
> while ($itsRainingMen):
> hallelujah();
> endwhile;
> and
> if($itsRainingMen):
> hallelujah();
> elseif:
> amen();
> endif;
> Perhaps it's there to help asp-coders get acustomed to the language,
> dunno... A newbie-coder friend of mine showed a piece of code where he'd
> used those and sure they work, but it's just ugly as hell like any
> asp-syntax is.
Many PHP'ers, myself included, use the alternated syntax for bracketing
HTML, where
<? endwhile; ?> is more visible than <? } ?> and <? else: ?> looks
cleaner than <? } else { ?>.
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