Posted by Ed Mullen on 05/18/06 19:51
sorry.no.email@post_NG.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I am cleaning up some table-based layout (and a nest on inline
> styles) generated by J-Album (http://jalbum.net/) and have struck an
> exasperating problem.
> On the test page:
> http://www.pnc.com.au/~plstrong/image_libraries/robert_strong/slides/test.html
> the background image under the cell titled 'Image Libraries / Robert
> GD STRONG' bleeds underneath in Firefox 1.0.5 but not Internet
> Explorer 6.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks to all who can help,
> Andrew.
Looks identical here on WinXP in Firefox, SeaMonkey, Opera, and IE6.
Ed Mullen
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
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