Posted by Mark Parnell on 05/19/06 04:01
Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, KiwiBrian
<briantoz@ihug.co.nz> declared in alt.html:
> Although my description applies to the bare essentials that I want to
> implement initially, I was hoping that a readymade script or CMS would exist
> that was simple enough for me to use, even though it might have greater
> capabilities which I may be able to use later when I have greater
> familiarity with it.
It will depend then on what your server is capable of, but I'd suggest
you check out http://opensourcecms.com/ - you can trial a whole pile of
CMSes, before you actually try setting one up on your server.
Also, check with your host - they may have one or more that can be
installed automatically. At least that way you don't need to worry about
installing it, just configuring it.
Good luck. :-)
Mark Parnell
My Usenet is improved; yours could be too:
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