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asp form and html

Posted by kburnam on 05/19/06 08:31

Using the following code, all of these form elements are captured and
interpreted by my linked asp page on my server. all values are sent to
my email address successfully EXCEPT the email value. I cannot see why
this is. Here is my code:

<input type="text" name="State">
<input type="text" name="PostCode">
<input type="text" name="email">

So I have a textbox, enter '' into the box, hit
submit button, and the only two that show up as values in the email are
State and PostCode. Why won't the emails be sent along with?

asp code:



Dim landing_page, host_url
Dim fso, outfile, filename, dirname, myFolder
Dim req_method, key, value
Dim bErr, errStr, bEmpty
On Error resume next
bErr = false
bEmpty = true
errStr = ""
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
host_url = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
req_method = Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")
dtNow = Now()
filename = Server.MapPath("ssfm")
dirname = filename
filename = filename & "/gdform_" & DatePart("M", dtNow) & DatePart("D",
dtNow) & DatePart("YYYY", dtNow) & DatePart("N", dtNow) & DatePart("S",

Function FormatVariableLine(byval var_name, byVal var_value)
Dim tmpStr
tmpStr = tmpStr & "<GDFORM_VARIABLE NAME=" & var_name & " START>" &
tmpStr = tmpStr & var_value & vbCRLF
tmpStr = tmpStr & "<GDFORM_VARIABLE NAME=" & var_name & " END>"
FormatVariableLine = tmpStr
end function

Sub OutputLine(byVal line)
end sub

if err.number = 0 then
Set outfile = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, true, false)
if err.number <> 0 then
bErr = true
errStr = "Error creating file! Directory may not be writable or may
not exist.<br>Unable to process request."
if(req_method = "GET") then
for each Item in request.QueryString
if item <> "" then
bEmpty = false
key = item
value = Request.QueryString(item)
if(lcase(key) = "redirect") then
landing_page = value
line = FormatVariableLine(key, value)
Call OutputLine(line)
end if
end if
elseif (req_method = "POST") then
for each Item in request.form
if item <> "" then
bEmpty = false
key = item
value = Request.form(item)
if(lcase(key) = "redirect") then
landing_page = value
line = FormatVariableLine(key, value)
Call OutputLine(line)
end if
end if
end if
end if
if(bEmpty = true) AND errStr = "" then
bErr = true
errStr = errStr & "<br>No variables sent to form! Unable to process
end if
if(bErr = false) then
if (landing_page <> "") then
response.Redirect "http://" & host_url & "/" & landing_page
response.Redirect "http://" & host_url
end if
Response.Write errStr
end if
set fso = nothing
Response.Write " An Error Occurred creating mail message. Unable to
process form request at this time."
end if




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