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Re: Editable forms with 1000 elements

Posted by Erwin Moller on 05/19/06 13:04

Luke wrote:

> Hi! I am new to PHP but I am a very experienced in Perl/CGI/templates.
> I work in medical informatics when we deal with very large data
> collection forms. Some of them have over 1000 elements! Forms are not
> outputted by PHP, they are designed by nurses using various visual HTML
> editors /drag & drop/.
> Ok, it is relatively easy to get all the fields submitted into the
> MySQL server. But there is always a chance of a data entry error or a
> form has to be printable (as it looks when being filled out, with all
> visual elements). It means we have to retrieve all values and present
> them on the screen (ready to be resubmitted).
> So I wonder what would experienced PHP users do here. Are there any
> special Classes/modules that would take an html file and insert the
> values into corresponding <input> elements? Or anything what could make
> my life easier?
> Or is it really the only way to get it worked to place 1000 <?php echo
> "value=$value" ?> inserts in my HTML code?

Hi Luke,

That question is hard to answer without knowing the underlying datastructure

Are all the elements text?
Do you need SELECT-boxes too? Or radiobuttons? etc.
All need a special way to handle (But not complex).

If you only have textelements I would approach it like this:

If you have some tables like:
CREATE TABLE tblelements(
formid integer REFERENCES tblform(formid),
elementname text,
elementvalue text

fromname text


Now you can produce easily an automated form like:
(I only use Postgres, so you'll have to translate this to mysql yourself)
[pseudocode like ADODB]

// which form?
$wantedFormid = 12;

<form action="receiveform.php" METHOD="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="formid" value="<?= $wantedFormid ?>">
<table border=1>
$SQL = "SELECT elementid, elementname, elementvalue FROM tblelements WHERE";
$SQL.= " (formid=$wantedFormid);";
$RS = $connection->Execute($SQL)->getArray();
<?= $row["elementname"] ?>
<input type="text" name="elementid<?= $row["elementid"] ?>"
value="<?= htmlentities($row["elementvalue"]) ?>">
<td colspan=2>
<input type="submit">


(not tested)

For more complex sturctures, like radiobuttons, you need of course
additional tables.

> Thanks,
> Luke

Hope this helped.

Erwin Moller



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