Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 05/20/06 22:35
Jonathan N. Little <lws4art@centralva.net> scripsit:
> In a document if your want to start a new line your create a new
> paragraph, right?
> Well, same in HTML
> <p>first line: there are some messages</p>
> <p>second line: another line</p>
In addition to being semantically wrong (a line does not normally constitute
a paragraph), this causes more than desired, such as vertical spacing in
graphic rendering.
> If both are contextually in the same paragraph but your require the
> second part to be on another line, happens in poetry a lot then BR
> (break line)
> <p>first line: there are some messages<br><second line: another
> line</p>
It still isn't a paragraph. Using <div> would be more appropriate. Moreover,
it's somewhat more logical and potentially more useful (especially in
styling) to wrap each line inside a <div> rather than use command-like
markup like <br>. That is,
<div>first line: there are some messages</div>
<div>second line: another line</div>
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