Posted by cwdjrxyz on 05/22/06 03:18
dorayme wrote:
> In article
> <1148225954.015587.314940@j55g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
> "cwdjrxyz" <spamtrap1@cwdjr.info> wrote:
> > These special conditional tags are understood by IE browsers
> > only. Other browsers just see them as ordinary comments. I have an
> > example at http://www.cwdjr.info/broadbandMedia/formatsAX/cancanWMV.php
> This is the finest example of IE conditionals that I have ever
> seen. I never realised that they were so much fun ...I was
> disappointed when it stopped as the lady climbed over the
> balcony...
Actually I can use only an ordinary object to get the code to work for
a wmv file. However, allowing the ActiveX path for IE only, lets you
use many more paramaters in the ActiveX object, if you desire, for the
numerous IE browsers around.
In the case of a flash movie, you can also use just an ordinary object.
However, if the flash movie is of large byte size, it will not start
streaming on IE until completely downloaded. That can be a real
disadvantage, and your viewers may well depart if they are on IE. Using
the conditional to allow an ActiveX object for IE only allows
streaming(progressive download) of the flash movie to start at once if
your connection has a large enough bandwidth for the type of flash
movie file used. There are other ways for solving this problem for IE,
but the conditional comment method works best for me with what I
usually do. For a short flash cartoon, a delay of a very few seconds
might be no problem.
The lady was caught in a net after jumping. She was completely unharmed
and continued to dance the Cancan, do extreme splits, etc. The very
short clip was just to demonstrate the code was working on this rather
high bit rate wmv file designed for a fast DSL or cable connection.
The movie might show on a dialup connection, but the buffering time
would be nearly as great as the time to completely download the movie.
If one spends $$$$ for a special streaming server, you can encode and
use a special stream that allows perhaps 3 bit rates best suited for
dialup, low broadband, and high broadband rates. Then code can be
written to allow the browser to select the best speed for the
connection it uses. Some of the large video sites work in this way. For
those without $$$$ to spend, you could encode the video at 3 rates and
allow the viewer to select the rate best suited for their connection.
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