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Re: setting imagecreatetruecolor() to have transparency as default

Posted by Chamomile on 05/22/06 19:02

> It's mentioned in the user comments in manual page:
> // Creates a transparent image rather than the default black image
> function imageCreateTransparent($x, $y) {
> $imageOut = imagecreate($x, $y);
> $colourBlack = imagecolorallocate($imageOut, 0, 0, 0);
> imagecolortransparent($imageOut, $colourBlack);
> return $imageOut;
> }
> --
> "ohjelmoija on organismi joka muuttaa kofeiinia koodiksi" -lpk
> | Gedoon-S @ IRCnet | rot13(xvzzb@bhgbyrzcv.arg)
Yes, thanks - I came accross that.
The problem is, it only makes a non-truecolor image which is no good for my
as I am downsampling with imagecopyresample() in order to get 'aliased'
curve fills at small sizes.
- downsampling an image made using imagecreate() gives jagged curves,
whereas downsampling using imagecreatetruecolor() gives good smoothing.
Unfotunately it seems once an image has ever been truecolor - even if you
theoretically set it back to paletted colors
(as far as I can see with experimentation) you cannot re-set the
transparency of the 'black' areas.

It seems to be a choice between smoothed curves or transparency - not both!



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