Posted by Stewart Gordon on 11/25/11 11:48
Toby Inkster wrote:
> Stewart Gordon wrote:
>> Now that it seems decided that AllMyFaqs isn't going to be revived as a
>> wiki, has anybody undertaken to start a new web authoring wiki?
> (Read-only though.)
What are you talking about?
Do you have even a remote idea of the meaning of the word "wiki"?
>> Of course, we probably don't need such things as the Usenetiquette
>> articles that were in AMF - while Usenetiquette is an important concept,
>> it's off topic to the field of web authoring and design.
> But it's arguably useless as a FAQ unless such topics are covered.
Thinking about giving it FAQ status is a bridge that we can cross when
we get a little nearer to it.
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