Posted by Kadaitcha Man on 10/26/74 11:48
Onideus Mad Hatter <usenet@backwater-productions.net>, the employee who
improves old saws by deepening the cuts with his tongue, tooted:
> On Mon, 22 May 2006 18:55:34 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
> <fuck-you.ya.cunt@kiss-my-big-black-ass.com> wrote:
>> Onideus Mad Hatter <usenet@backwater-productions.net>, the creaking
>> printer, exclaimed:
>>> Boy, all these different website forms and such that I've made over
>>> the years
>> And only 250,000 visitors. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
> That's PER MONTH, Downs.
That's not what you claimed last week, you lying fuckstick.
> The quarter MILLION or so people who visited my server seem to
> think otherwise.
Then when you were out-wanked by someone who has no dick, you claimed link
spamming. Then you fell into your ridiculous clown act, trying to silence
your detractors by metaphorically slapping them with that infected little
maggot you have the gall to call a cock.
alt.usenet.kooks - Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005 and April 2006
ObHint: Just because you argue with a notorious fuckwit netk0oK, it
does not necessarily follow that you are not also a fuckwit netk0oK.
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