Posted by David Segall on 11/10/74 11:48
Stewart Gordon <> wrote:
>David Segall wrote:
>> Stewart Gordon <> wrote:
>>> Now that it seems decided that AllMyFaqs isn't going to be revived
>>> as a wiki, has anybody undertaken to start a new web authoring
>>> wiki?
>> I think that this would be tremendous waste of the time and talents
>> of the major contributors to this group. There is more than enough
>> information on the web and in text books about the routine aspects of
>> web authoring. If someone posts here because they don't know what to
>> look for or they are too lazy to look then another web authoring
>> site won't help them. A beginner or a casual HTML user like me can
>> usually answer their question.
>AllMyFAQs is not:
>* a replacement for newsgroups
>Yet you seem to think that any new wiki would have to be a replacement
>for newsgroups and nothing more.
I did not intend to argue that. I feared that the extremely useful
posters in this group might be distracted into writing yet another web
site devoted to web authoring. As a consequence they might not be
available to answer my questions :) or they might not produce a web
page of their own that illuminates a tiny corner of the subject area
that would otherwise remain in the dark.
>Take a look at
>Only a small handful of the pages deal with answering the kinds of
>questions that people might ask in a web authoring newsgroup. And it
>also goes into depth beyond that of the average HTML tutorial.
Exactly. Almost all the information needed about web authoring is
already available. Google does an adequate job of making the
information accessible so there is no need for another web site on the
>> Unfortunately, the most frequently asked question in this group
>> cannot be answered by a static web site. We need a site to which I
>> could submit a document and it would tell me why it renders
>> "correctly" in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox or Opera.
>How about
>? :-)
A necessary start but it would not solve the problem for most posters.
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