Posted by meowmix on 10/21/11 11:48
On Wed, 24 May 2006 17:24:34 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
<fuck-you.ya.cunt@kiss-my-big-black-ass.com> wrote:
>Onideus Mad Hatter <usenet@backwater-productions.net>, the employee who
>improves old saws by deepening the cuts with his tongue, tooted:
>> On Mon, 22 May 2006 18:55:34 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
>> <fuck-you.ya.cunt@kiss-my-big-black-ass.com> wrote:
>>> Onideus Mad Hatter <usenet@backwater-productions.net>, the creaking
>>> printer, exclaimed:
>>>> Boy, all these different website forms and such that I've made over
>>>> the years
>>> And only 250,000 visitors. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
>> That's PER MONTH, Downs.
>That's not what you claimed last week, you lying fuckstick.
>> The quarter MILLION or so people who visited my server seem to
>> think otherwise.
>Then when you were out-wanked by someone who has no dick, you claimed link
>spamming. Then you fell into your ridiculous clown act, trying to silence
>your detractors by metaphorically slapping them with that infected little
>maggot you have the gall to call a cock.
you're just showing off 'cause yours fills into a jar.
mhm x v i x i i i
alcotrol labs r&d
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