Posted by Nik Coughlin on 12/25/10 11:49
phil-news-nospam@ipal.net wrote:
> In comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html Nik Coughlin
> <nrkn.com@gmail.com> wrote:
>> phil-news-nospam@ipal.net wrote:
>>> In the mean time, I'll be using elements TABLE, TR, and TD for my
>>> layouts that can't be done by other means (and this is most of them)
>> Do you mean "layouts that I can't do without tables because I don't
>> understand CSS well enough yet"? You can do any table layout using
>> CSS instead.
> But CSS tables don't work in all browsers. That was the whole point
> of
> my post. While I dislike Windows and IE and just about anything else
> of Microsoft, I don't carry that to the extreme of making my site
> unreadable
> or have problems for readers using IE.
> So wait a few years, then you can do it all in CSS, hopefully.
You don't need CSS tables to reproduce a layout that was done with tables in
CSS. The CSS-only version is not going to be a 1:1 conversion from the
table version (<td> isn't just converted to <div>), it requires a different
methodology and mindset, but the CSS version will look and work the same as
the table version. Sure, you have to hack around some IE bugs, but it can
be done.
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