Posted by Adrienne on 11/26/00 11:17
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed The Magician
<vanished@thedropofahat.com> writing in
> Thanks Adrienne.
> But my problem is...I went on that validator page, looked up the
> different types of "doctype declarations", and couldn't figure out
> which one fit. I dunno html 2.0 from 3.2 or 4.01...or xtml, or
> sooperdooper html, etc., etc., etc... LOL! So...couldn't figure out
> which tag to copy & paste. So you kinda see what type of novice I am.
In a nutshell:
4.01 the latest specification (not a working draft)
Strict - no deprecated elements or attributes, eg. no <b> or <div
align="center">; use CSS.
Transitional - has deprecated elements and attributes
Frameset - for frameset documents; this is for the frame document only,
subpages still have to use either Strict or Transitional.
For new pages, you should use Strict and remove all presentation to CSS.
I know that may seem difficult now, but in the future, instead of having
to change <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> to <body bgcolor="FFDEAD"> in all
pages (maybe hundreds), _one_ change can be made in _one_ external CSS
You really need to do some good HTML and CSS tutorials. I'm sure someone
will jump in now with a good list.
Adrienne Boswell
Please respond to the group so others can share
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