Reply to Re: Taking table-less CSS design far too far

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Posted by VK on 05/26/06 12:13

VK <> wrote:
> | It is a joke to drop table because "daddy said no" and then recreate
> | it's exact behavior on div's because "daddy didn't mention that". wrote:
> So don't drop tables.

So I never did.
We were talking about someone who did (linked sample in OT). Overall
these spiritual researches and starvations about tabular data / tabular
layout are very specific to (X)HTML only. Say Java programmer aware of
GridLayout and GridBagConstaints would decide that here are talking on
Medieval Chinese :-)

The axiom itself that data is it is implies some layout and excludes
some other is highly questionnable (to say the least). It is the same
as to say that an ingot of copper contans in potention a copper ball
but excludes in any potention a copper cube.

Yet a la 90's design with invisible table cells holding the page layout
should be avoided unless it brings to much of non-compensated troubles.

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