Posted by Adam Plocher on 05/26/06 20:25
Thanks for the response Brian, that will fix my scroll bars but it
doesn't position the stuff to the bottom of the scrollable div, like I
need it to be. The text within these divs can be of any length,
sometimes it will need to be scrollable, other times the content will
be short enough to keep the scrollbars from being active. Regardless,
I need it to be along the bottom of that parent div.
If you try this you can see the text gets positioned along the bottom
of the div, like I want:
<div style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;left:0px;width:100%;">
Test1<br />Test2<br />Test3<br />Test4<br />
(that was my same example from my original post, only with less text)
If you remove the absolute positioning, it gets positioned along the
top of the scrollable div, which is not what I want. It isn't the fact
that position:absolute that is breaking the scrollbar, because if you
change "bottom" to "top" it will allow the scrollbars to work, but then
it's positioned at the top again.
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