Posted by Peter J Ross on 05/27/06 11:13
On Sun, 21 May 2006 19:28:08 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
<usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in alt.usenet.kooks:
> On Mon, 22 May 2006 02:58:07 +0100, Peter J Ross <pjr@kookbusters.org>
> wrote:
>>> Hey lil Veronica...I don't think anyone actually uses a fixed width
>>> font when browsing Usenet anymore.
>>As always.
> Really Peavy, are you sure? Since you're proclaiming to be an expert
> and all on this fixed width issue, perhaps you can tell us all just
> HOW MANY news readers EXACTLY come with a fixed width font set as the
> default. ^_^
slrn, tin, gnus, nn, trn, pine, ..., ...
ISTR that your point-and-click software has something you can point at
and click on in order to make it emulate a real newsreader in this
<snip diaperbabble>
PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ FSM: http://www.venganza.org/
.._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, PJR: http://www.insurgent.org/~pjr/
/ (`---'\ `-. AUK: http://www.netcabal.com/auk/
,-` _) (_, F_P God's Own Newsreader: http://www.slrn.org/
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