Reply to Re: Bloggish Things Of Varying Sorts

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Posted by Peter J Ross on 05/27/06 14:41

On Sat, 27 May 2006 03:12:11 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
<> wrote in alt.usenet.kooks:

> On Sat, 27 May 2006 10:44:07 +0100, Peter J Ross <>
> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey lil Veronica...I don't think anyone actually uses a fixed width
>>>>>>> font when browsing Usenet anymore.
>>>>>>As always.
>>>>> Really Peavy, are you sure? Since you're proclaiming to be an expert
>>>>> and all on this fixed width issue, perhaps you can tell us all just
>>>>> HOW MANY news readers EXACTLY come with a fixed width font set as the
>>>>> default. ^_^
>>>>slrn, tin, gnus, nn, trn, pine, ..., ...
>>> Apparently Peavey thought I asked him to list random shit news clients
>>> for Linux...
>>Which of the a<COCK SLAP>
> *Hatter checks his last post.*
> Oh, yup, here it is:
> "Go run off to alt.config and argue with them about it, Peavey."

Why do you think "they" would be interested in dfiscussing your
ignorance about newsreaders, DB? If you want to be pointed and laughed
at in alt.config, post there yourself.

> You musta just missed that part, huh Peavey? Maybe if you ask the
> regs in alt.config REAL nice they'll change yer diaper for you!

You ought to try to stop having these fantasies about me, DB. I'm
probably not your type.

PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ FSM:
.._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, PJR:
/ (`---'\ `-. AUK:
,-` _) (_, F_P God's Own Newsreader:

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