Posted by Meat Plow on 05/27/06 14:58
On Sat, 27 May 2006 03:12:11 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On Sat, 27 May 2006 10:44:07 +0100, Peter J Ross <pjr@kookbusters.org>
> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey lil Veronica...I don't think anyone actually uses a fixed width
>>>>>>> font when browsing Usenet anymore.
>>>>>>As always.
>>>>> Really Peavy, are you sure? Since you're proclaiming to be an expert
>>>>> and all on this fixed width issue, perhaps you can tell us all just
>>>>> HOW MANY news readers EXACTLY come with a fixed width font set as the
>>>>> default. ^_^
>>>>slrn, tin, gnus, nn, trn, pine, ..., ...
>>> Apparently Peavey thought I asked him to list random shit news clients
>>> for Linux...
>>Which of the a<COCK SLAP>
> *Hatter checks his last post.*
> Oh, yup, here it is:
> "Go run off to alt.config and argue with them about it, Peavey."
> You musta just missed that part, huh Peavey? Maybe if you ask the
> regs in alt.config REAL nice they'll change yer diaper for you!
I like how you bring out the good old cock slap when you've lost.
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