Posted by Edwin van der Vaart on 05/27/06 19:16
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> Which is the best editor on the market usable both on a Windows and on a Mac
> and on a Linux platform http://www.linux.org/
> and
> which allows the user to download and upload files over ftp from and to the
> server?
Editor which are compatible for Linux and Windows are:
jedit http://www.jedit.org/
nedit http://www.nedit.org/
vim http://www.vim.org/download.php
Edwin van der Vaart
http://www.semi-conductor.nl/ Links to Semiconductors sites
http://www.evandervaart.nl/ Edwin's persoonlijke web site
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gthelp.com, webfrustration.com, excip.com and many other to duplicate
this post.
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