Posted by Starman on 05/28/06 15:50
Jukka my apologies, I'm just frustrated by this issue. I mean to cause no
problems here...to asnwer your questions as best as possible.
>You were asked to provide more information, such as the URL of your page.
> You didn't.<
The reason I haven't is because the problem doesn't exist at the moment on
the website, I fixed it. When I went to edit something it did it again. I
spent another two hours fixing it again. So now I won't touch it so I don't
have to go through the whole procedure again. I just want to be able to find
a solution.
>You haven't even fixed your newsreader to send character encoding
> information, so we still don't even know what characters you are talking
> about.<
Yes I did, here they are again: ΒfΓfΒ,Γ,Β,ΓfΒfΒ Can you see them now?
>You are giving even less information than in the previous thread. You seem
> to think that WYSIWYG is the editor's name. It isn't. It's just a
> characterization used for a wide range of editors, short for What You See
> What You Get (And What Others Get Might Surprise You).<
Sorry I'm confused now, that is the software that I use online via my host
server's website. They host my website and have this program that is used
for creating/editing websites. You can use Dreamweaver if you like or any
other, but for me this is the most user friendly.
>> If you have encountered a bug in a program, as you seem to suspect, you
> should ask the vendor to fix it, or search for help on a forum where the
> program is discussed. If these don't work, the odds are that you should
> another program. There's no shortage of web page editors.<
Again like I said, I contacted the vendor, they tell me they have no idea of
what is causing the problem. The only thing they suggested was that I tell
me host server who are running the WYSIWYG software to do the following:
"Sounds like an encoding issue. There are a number of solutions to this
problem, but this is the most effective:
First find out what encoding your website is using, most websites use either
iso-8859-1 or utf-8, lets assume you are using utf-8:
Set the encoding for the editor like this:
(if you are using the usexhtml function make sure you call set_charset AFTER
calling usexhtml)
Now when saving html to your database make sure you first parse your posted
html code through the fixcharacters function and specify the encoding:
$_POST['editorCode'] = fixcharacters($_POST['editorCode'], 'utf-8');
If you are using Mambo/Joomla just replace your WysiwygPro mambot."
Has this provided information for you now?
I've tried various forums to no avail and most posters report a similar
problem to mine and still have not received a solution from anybody...
"Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorpela@cs.tut.fi> wrote in message
> Starman <iknowbutidontknow@yahoo.com> scripsit:
> > About a week ago I posted the following:
> You should have posted a followup rather than start a new thread. At least
> you should have mentioned the Subject of the previous thread, "Problem
> Text in HTML".
> You were asked to provide more information, such as the URL of your page.
> You didn't.
> You haven't even fixed your newsreader to send character encoding
> information, so we still don't even know what characters you are talking
> about.
> > I'm currently using WYSIWYG online editor
> You are giving even less information than in the previous thread. You seem
> to think that WYSIWYG is the editor's name. It isn't. It's just a
> characterization used for a wide range of editors, short for What You See
> What You Get (And What Others Get Might Surprise You).
> If you have encountered a bug in a program, as you seem to suspect, you
> should ask the vendor to fix it, or search for help on a forum where the
> program is discussed. If these don't work, the odds are that you should
> another program. There's no shortage of web page editors.
> --
> Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
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