Posted by Andrew on 05/29/06 16:23
In the following code, if I move my mouse across the row from left to
right, events are fired in the following order
<tr onmouseover="alert('TRover');" onmouseout="alert('TRout');">
<td onmouseover="alert('TDover');" onmouseout="alert('TDout');">One</td>
<td onmouseover="alert('TDover');" onmouseout="alert('TDout');">Two</td>
TDOver (one), TROver, TDOut (one), TROut, TDOver (Two), TROver, TDOut
(Two), TROut.
Why is the TROver and TROut even fired when moving the mouse between TDs
in the same row, i havent left the tr tag?
And more importantly, what can I do about it? I want to fire a JS
function on TR over and TR out, but its fired when moving between cells
as well which is a right pain!
Is there any workaround for this?
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