Posted by Ladysniper@gmail.com on 05/29/06 15:39
Okay, I want to thank everyone who answered me. For the record, I
didn't actually write the .php code for that search results page. I'm
just trying to get the .html part to work, with the .php. The guy who
wrote it... I told him the tables didn't line up right..he said it was
in the .html code...and I've been looking for DAYS now! I felt it was
in the .php code...somewhere....
Question...how do I embed the .php in a style sheet? See, I'm totally
new at this. Though I'm learning (and I've taken the above pointers in
hand! Thanks!) I still don't quite know enough to take what he wrote
and make it work. (sighs)..
Okay, I'll try to work from here and see what I can do with it..and
I'll try to clean up that code some! I found it annoying to work with
also, but not knowing that much about .php, I didn't know if I could
take the comments out, nor can I find where the error is to just post
the problem.... etc....
Thanks! You guys are awesome!!
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