Posted by Neredbojias on 05/30/06 00:07
To further the education of mankind, "Chris Tomlinson" <anon@anon.com>
>> Actually, in the link you listed that I visited, the font size _did_
>> change, and the page didn't look too page in the doing. What
>> specific page-url are you referring to?
> Not sure what you thought u typed there, but if you mean the BBC link,
> it's http://news.bbc.co.uk that doesn't resize fonts in IE.
> If you mean my site, I have changed www.superhighstreet.com to use px
> since I started this thread, so it shouldn't change size in IE and
> shouldn't look too bad in other browsers.
It was superhighstreet. That didn't look bad at all with relative fonts
and still doesn't look bad in Firefox. I suspect your insistence on
changing it relates to a somewhat primitive notion of what does and does
not look good in a web page. The best pages I've seen readjust the
placement of their content with elegant facility. superhighstreet almost
fits/did fit in that category now/then, and with just a little more effort
on your part, would. Of course not everyone seeks perfection in the
perfect way.
Infinity has its limits.
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