Posted by mbstevens on 06/01/06 11:08
Joe wrote:
> In article <doraymeRidThis-813DDC.08383831052006@news-
> vip.optusnet.com.au>, doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au says...
>>I doubt that there is any definition of what a table "really" is
>>that would capture all the things everyone would reasonably want.
> Like I said once before,
> ...." if you can put meaningful headings on it, it's a table."
> As a working definition, it'll do me.
Joe and Andy,
I think your heading requirement is sufficient, but not necessary.
Consider matrix algebra. In many cases it would be difficult to
assign meaningful headings, but each cell of data is definitely
in a particular relationship to other cells in a way that the
position of the cell makes a difference. You could probably come
up with a case that even applied over a single dimension.
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