Posted by strawberry on 06/01/06 15:43
I don't understand how the numbers add up - unless you mean
Yannick Benoit wrote:
> I need the query to order my salesmen by their productivity:
> Table: Salesmen
> id: 1 name: bobby
> id: 2 name: steeve
> id: 3 name: john
> Table: Visitors sent
> Hour: 12 Total: 11 Salesman: 3 Sales: 3
> Hour: 12 Total: 8 Salesman: 1 Sales: 2
> Hour: 12 Total: 15 Salesman: 2 Sales: 2
> Hour: 11 Total: 4 Salesman: 1 Sales: 1
> Hour: 11 Total: 5 Salesman: 2 Sales: 2
> Productivity of the salesmen: (Sales x 100 / Total hits)
> Salesman: 1 Total hits: 12 Sales: 3 Prod: 400.00%
> Salesman: 2 Total hits: 20 Sales: 4 Prod: 500.00%
> Salesman: 3 Total hits: 11 Sales: 3 Prod: 366.66%
> I need to way to print results like:
> 2. Steeve 500.00%
> 1. Bobby 400.00%
> 3. John 366.66%
> Thank you very much
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