Posted by Dana Cartwright on 06/02/06 14:41
"Roman Ziak" <news12@ziak.com> wrote in message
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Roman Ziak wrote:
>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Javascript code is typically very short - and uncommented (look at pages
>> on different sites - how many have useful comments anyway?).
>> Any decent code tidier will unpack the file into something readable.
>> Good variable names do make the code more readable. However, reasonable
>> variable names can be easily inferred from calls to system functions and
>> other actions.
>> In short, obfusticating javascript code is going to slow down a
>> programmer maybe 10 minutes. 15 minutes if it's really a big code. The
>> only people who call it protection are those who sell obfusticators - or
>> someone who is really clueless.
> Really ?
> I'd absolutely love to observe you to understand moderate code size
> 1000+ LOC with autogenerated viariable names in 15 minutes.
> Actually, I'd love to observe you do that in 2 hours.
>> And you're going really off the wall. This has nothing to do with
>> compiled programs. And you don't need to tap directly into an internal
>> bus.
> My point of practicality was obviously misunderstood. Nevermind.
Ah, I think it was understood. Protection is never absolute; there is
always a range of protection available, from 0 to 99, perhaps, but never
100%. You are quite right that even complied software burned into silicon
isn't 100% protected.
But Jerry has a point as well, which is that in the world of Javascript on
web pages, on a scale of 0 to 100, protections probably never get above 10,
and many of them rate no higher than 5.
If you look at the C obfuscation contests that appear on the web, and try to
study the source code, you get a feeling for how challenging it can be to
read carefully obfuscated code. So, Jerry, I think your estimates are low,
but I agree that JS obfuscation seems pretty pointless. If someone wants to
steal your code (and if it's worth stealing), spending a day or two in the
stealing process isn't going to stop anybody. So who cares if it takes 20,
30, or even 100 hours to understand it?
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