Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 06/02/06 22:11
CK <c_kettenbach@hotmail.com> scripsit:
> I have a nested ol and I need help with the numbering.
If you really want help, select _the_ group where the question best belongs
to. Crossposting is generally not constructive. Followups randomized as
> I want the output to be
> 1.. Sweet
> 2.. Salty
> 1.1Very Salty
> 1.2lightly salted
No way. (CSS 2.0 contains tools for generating list markers that way, but
this part was not implemented in browsers and is being phased out in CSS
Use either an unnumbered list, with list-style-type: none in CSS and with
the numbers included into the items themselves, or some other (admittedly
less logical) structure, such as a table.
> I need the decimal style.
That's a reasonable request, but browsers won't do it for you.
Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
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